Should You Give Up Writing?

I’ve always found the different ways that we scribblers describe our experiences with writer’s block very interesting. Also the different ways the seasoned writers suggest getting over it. Some suggestions are to work around your block, or force yourself to write through it, even if what you write is rubbish. Other advice is to write something completely different. We won’t mention those rather hurtful cries of, “Stop being such a wussy. Adorn yourself in adult underwear! Plumbers don’t get plumbers block!” All of these things can work with a bit of effort and confidence, but one bit of advice that you seldom see is to take a break from writing completely. As if a week away from writing anything will totally strip you of the ability to write at all. It is true that if you don’t do something for a good long while, you could get a little rusty, but you should never think that just because you haven’t written for a while that you can’t do it anymore. Talent is a real thing. It grows and blossoms with use, but I don’t believe for a second that it is something that can be lost.

No life is smooth sailing all the way, and sometimes you have no choice but to put a writing project aside. Then time goes by, and as it does, your confidence gets chipped away, and the thought of dusting off that manuscript and starting again can seem daunting, so we fearfully side-step it, and do something else. The task seems like one we’ll fail at, because we never finished it in the first place. Apart from our inner carers trying to stop us from writing at all to save us from the ridicule and laughter if we get it wrong by trying to distract us all the time with desperate urges to polish the silver or watch the entire Hobbit trilogy in a single sitting with popcorn and ice-cream, we sometimes have family and friends who aren’t overly supportive, and occasionally downright unkind with suggestions of quitting the lounging around on our bums at home all the time, and why don’t you get a proper job, kind of thing. In addition to all of these challenges life continues, with all of its challenges, hurts, and stumbles, so sometimes even sitting down to confront that silent blank screen seems impossibly hard.

This is where we come to the stories of those who did this very thing in the face of apparently insurmountable odds, that most of us will never have to face. Those inspirational scribbler guys who fought their demons within and without, and beat down that blank screen of emptiness. If you’re called to write, then do it. It doesn’t matter what anyone thinks of you for doing it. Nothing that ever happens to you can ever take away your talent, and neither can time. Do what you have to do. Your talent and callings aren’t given to everyone. Don’t ever let it fall away untried. Maybe a bit of soul searching, or focusing on your present. Write a crazy bit of flash fiction only for you – way too crazy to share with the world, to get those scribbler muscles oiled. Or better yet, take a deep breath and haul out that manuscript that you’ve left lying for whatever reason, with the names of the characters that you’ve forgotten. Gently blow the dust off, and settle down to read your words without any expectation, and pretty soon I’ll bet you’ll be banging away at that keyboard again, forgetting to take off your ‘jammies and mindlessly munching nuts. Never give up scribblers. Write the books inside you, because you really can if you want to, and your words will live forever in the hearts they were intended for.

Pink Daisy

Author: jorobinson176

South African writer.

33 thoughts on “Should You Give Up Writing?”

  1. Reblogged this on mira prabhu and commented:
    Interesting post on that fearsome syndrome known as “writers’ block”…should you give up writing? What a question! Read on for more…and thanks for a great message, Ronovan!


  2. I liked this a great deal. I think everyone is different; what works for one doesn’t work for another. After I’d written my first book, I was totally devoid of any ideas for another. I thought that was ‘it’, there would be no more. So, I wrote some flash fiction, some poetry and generally got on with life. Then suddenly – ding! – the light-bulb of inspiration lit again and I was off – and I wrote three books in a year. Admittedly, one of them was only a seventeen-odd thousand word children’s book, but still, it was a book. As for having a week off; I often have a week off, sometimes more but I find I never stop writing in my head. Sometimes I wish that bulb would go out again and give me some peace, especially as I’m one of those unfortunates with a husband who says my writing is a waste of time and I should get off my fat, retired and lazy bum and do something more energetic – like the gardening. Well, I have him to do that, don’t I? 🙂


  3. Good and compassionate advice here. Everyone needs a holiday now and then. One of the best pieces of advice on this subject I got was to have fun – remember why I wrote in the first place, and to forget about deadlines and money and editors and publicity, and just write something fun.


  4. The best advice I was ever given for dealing with writers’ block is this – there is no such thing as writers’ block. If you get stuck or the words are not forthcoming, it’s because something, somewhere isn’t quite right. Go back and look, think and try again – when it’s right, it will flow. Dealing with writers’ block is such a personal thing and I find this works well enough for me. It’s great to hear how other writers go about tackling it!


  5. Your posts are always so motivational and inspirational. I am just in the process of visiting an old manuscript I haven’t been able to face in a year. I actually read it two nights ago! So your advice is also timely… Cheers for that! Xxx


  6. I could never give up writing, what I am supposed to do with all the ideas in my head for the next Talon books? They have to be written. I just have to overcome the fear and start. It’s ease as that. Is it really?
    Thank you for the post.


  7. Very inspirational Ronovan! I had the dreaded block for nearly a year and then decided to kick it away and start an entirely different novel and then I submitted it and voila! it came out last year and now I’m feverishly writing both Book Two along with a new novel (old, old idea)! Will reblog and insist my readers (all 12 of them,lol!) check out and READ it!


  8. Love this! When I have a block, I just look around for a mess, since my blog is on de-slobbifying. It never fails, there always is one! And when I’ve had a lackluster week, then I wake up with an idea in the middle of the nite, I grab my phone and capture it!


  9. Reblogged this on izzyasabee and commented:
    “If you’re called to write, then do it. It doesn’t matter what anyone thinks of you for doing it. Nothing that ever happens to you can ever take away your talent, and neither can time. Do what you have to do. Your talent and callings aren’t given to everyone. Don’t ever let it fall away untried.” Great words for all of us . . .


  10. Good advice. I’ve had an enforced absence from writing because of time-consuming work issues, so I’m itching to get back to it in a month or so. In the meantime, you’re right, a bit of off-the-wall flash fiction that nobody else sees, just to get the creative juices flowing, would be a good idea.


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